China-North Korea High Level Visits Since 1953

Foreign Affairs
To examine the closeness of the China-North Korea relationship, Beyond Parallel created an original dataset of all high-level visits between the two countries from 1953 to the present... To examine the closeness of the China-North Korea relationship, Beyond Parallel created an original dataset…

Toward a New Policy and Strategy for North Korea

Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Nuclear Weapons
A new report titled “Toward a New Policy and Strategy for North Korea co-authored by Dr. Victor Cha and Ambassador Robert Gallucci was published this month. The report seeks to bridge the gap between the national security and human rights communities and argues for a new U.S. policy that integrates efforts toward dealing with North Korean security threats with approaches that focus on human freedom in the country.

Unification Transparency Index: United States

Analysis, Economics, Environment, Foreign Affairs, Governance, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid, Infrastructure & Energy, Legal, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Refugees & Migration
A survey study of 233 of the United States’ top Asia/Korea experts, government officials, scholars, and opinion leaders found that domestic stabilization, not nuclear weapons, ranks as the #1 issue for the U.S. with unification (i.e., highest composite score in the entire survey in terms of most acute lack of knowledge/most acute concern for U.S. interests). The top four blind spots for the U.S.: 1) domestic stabilization; 2) nuclear weapons; 3) economic development; 4) cost.