December 9, 2016—
A new report titled “Toward a New Policy and Strategy for North Korea co-authored by Dr. Victor Cha and Ambassador Robert Gallucci was published this month. The report seeks to bridge the gap between the national security and human rights communities and argues for a new U.S. policy that integrates efforts toward dealing with North Korean security threats with approaches that focus on human freedom in the country.
November 4, 2016, by Evan Ramstad—
President Park's mistakes are far less harmful than those of the men who came before her... In 2011, as she geared up for the 2012 presidential election in South Korea, Park Geun-hye told aides that she would like to reach out to some of the people her father fought and…
November 2, 2016, by Andrew Natsios—
Between August 29 and September 1, 2016, Typhoon Lionrock poured a foot of rain onto parts of North Korea causing widespread flooding, the most severe being near the Tumen River... Between August 29 and September 1, 2016, Typhoon Lionrock poured a foot of rain onto…
November 2, 2016, by Myong-Hyun Go—
The survey conducted inside North Korea on behalf of CSIS Beyond Parallel is noteworthy because it employs standardized questionnaires for response consistency and draws samples from a wide cross-section of the North Korean population... The survey conducted inside North Korea on behalf of CSIS Beyond Parallel is noteworthy…
November 2, 2016, by Karl Friedhoff—
It is no secret that getting anything meaningful in the way of data out of North Korea can be difficult... It is no secret that getting anything meaningful in the way of data out of North Korea can be difficult. Analysts and experts rely on tidbits from regime broadcasts, defectors, and anecdotes from those who…
October 6, 2016, by Greg Scarlatoiu—
Poll confirms that many North Koreans depend on the markets than on the public distribution system (PDS)... The Beyond Parallel poll appears to have overcome two major hurdles faced by other North Korea surveys: an over-reliance on North Korean defectors and over-reliance on people from the border provinces with China, who continue…
October 6, 2016, by DailyNK Editorial Team—
Although North Koreans are often depicted as an oppressed yet obedient people, recent survey data tells a different story... Although North Koreans are often depicted as an oppressed yet obedient people, recent survey data tells a different story. Political attitudes and economic activities...
September 12, 2016, by Van Jackson—
The fifth test is significant because it reaffirms an undeniable sea change in how we should read North Korean intentions... At around 10 kilotons, North Korea’s September 9 nuclear test reportedly marks its largest yet. It was also the third such detonation under Kim Jong-un...
September 9, 2016, by Jeffrey Lewis—
Yesterday’s nuclear test, the fifth by North Korea since 2006 suggests that North Korea can arm a missile with a nuclear warhead. And that may portend a significant change in how the United States thinks about dealing with North Korea... Yesterday’s nuclear test, the fifth by North Korea since 2006 suggests that North Korea can…
August 17, 2016—
Thae Yong-ho, a minister in the DPRK embassy in London, UK, has defected with his wife and son to South Korea and is currently under the protection of the government pending the formal procedures to process their entry into the country... Thae Yong-ho, a minister in the DPRK embassy in London, UK, has defected with his…