U.S.-DPRK Negotiations and North Korean Provocations
The debate over how to deal with North Korea’s nuclear program has been raging for nearly 25 years. In this dataset CSIS Beyond Parallel collected information on negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea to see if there are any trends that could help shed light on the present nuclear conundrum. This data on bilateral and multilateral negotiations from 1990 to the present is drawn primarily from the U.S. State Department archives and is supplemented by other primary and secondary sources.1 It is inclusive of information about government meetings located in the public domain and does not include track 1.5 dialogues or secret meetings. This information was cross-examined against our original dataset on North Korean provocations to draw conclusions about the relationship between negotiations and provocations.

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Key Findings
- There appears to be an inverse correlation between U.S.-DPRK diplomacy and the frequency of North Korean provocations in this 25-year period. That is, there may be some correlation between periods when the U.S. is at the negotiating table with North Korea, in a bilateral or multilateral setting, and a decrease in DPRK provocations. However, this does not necessarily indicate that a causal relationship exists.
- The absence of missile tests or other kinetic provocations does not necessarily suggest a halt in North Korean weapons development or a reduction of the overall nuclear threat. But, diplomacy does seem to have some restraining effect on the number of provocations carried out.
- The ratio of negotiations to provocations is highest under North Korean leader Kim Il-sung from 1990 to 1994. The ratio of negotiations to provocations is lowest under North Korean leader Kim Jong-un from 2012 to the present.
- Whether the U.S. president is a Democrat or Republican, party control of the White House appears to have no effect on the pace of North Korean provocations.
- Negotiations under Kim Jong-un hit historic lows in comparison to his predecessors, even when accounting for tenure in office.

This original Beyond Parallel dataset was compiled with the objective of creating a comprehensive open-source database of bilateral and multilateral negotiations between the United States and North Korea.
The methodology was determined by the following: 1) defining the terms of a negotiation; 2) defining the terms of a North Korean provocation; 3) finding sources for data collection; and 4) delineating the time-period to be covered by the database.
Definition of a Negotiation
The criteria for defining a negotiation that guided our research is the following:
- A meeting or set of meetings between officials of the United States and North Korea that is/was intended to further bilateral or multilateral dialogue between the countries on a series of political, economic, or technical issues that were agreed upon with prior consultation. The dialogue may be an effort to reach agreement between the parties or in support of an existing agreement.
In the 1990s, negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea consisted of largely bilateral negotiations focused on the DPRK’s nuclear weapons development. In the 2000s, the talks were changed to a multilateral format that included countries in the region such as China, the U.S., Japan, Russia and the two Koreas.
Definition of a Provocation
A provocation is defined as the following:
- An intentional military action taken by North Korea that breaches the sovereignty of a third country such as South Korea or the United States, causes personal injury or damage to property, and/or constitutes a serious violation of international law for the attainment of specific military, political, or diplomatic objectives.
North Korean provocations over the last decade have primarily consisted of missile launches and nuclear tests. But these are not the only methods by which North Korea displays its military power and expresses discontent to the outside world. The graphic below represents the most common types of North Korean provocations.
Sources for Research
CSIS Beyond Parallel used both primary and secondary sources for this study. For information on negotiations, the major primary source used was the U.S. Department of State archives. We read through each entry cited in the database to verify the date, location, description, and officials involved in the negotiations. If information could not be verified using a primary source then secondary sources including books, reports, and datasets produced by other research organizations2 (at the minimum two for every data point) were used to document the information.3 For provocations, we used a combination of open source data from the U.S. Department of Defense, ROK Ministry of National Defense, and media reports to collect the recorded information.
Determination of Time Period
For this dataset, we limited our study from 1990 to the present. There were virtually no diplomatic contacts between North Korea and the United States between the end of the Korean War in 1953 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1991. Serious concerns about the development of a nuclear weapons program in North Korea emerged in the early 1990s and prompted the U.S. to establish diplomatic contacts at that time. For expedience and descriptive purposes, we began with the first year in that decade.
U.S.-DPRK Negotiations 1990 to 2018
Date | Leadership | Event Type | Parties Involved | Description | Resources |
2018-08-11 - 2018-08-12 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and North Korean officials held working level talks at the Panmunjom truce village to negotiate further steps for implementing the joint statement on denuclearization announced between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un at the Singapore summit in June. | http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2018/08/14/0301000000AEN20180814009600320.html?sns=tw |
2018-07-15 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | General Officer-Level Talks between the U.S. and the DPRK on the repatriation of remains held in Panmunjom. Reportedly, Major General Michael Minihan, chief of staff for the United Nations Command, participated in the meeting as the U.S. representative. His North Korean counterpart is known to be a lieutenant general from the Korean People's Army. North Korea subsequently handed over 55 sets of U.S. POW / MIA remains on July 27, the 65th anniversary of the Korean War armistice. | https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/07/284091.htm |
2018-07-05 - 2018-07-07 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo meets with Kim Yong Chol in Pyongyang "to continue consultations and implement the forward progress" from the June 12 U.S.-North Korea summit. | https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/07/283676.htm |
2018-07-01 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim holds talks with North Korean officials in the Demilitarized Zone, focusing on the setting of the agenda for U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo's expected visit to North Korea. | https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2018/07/283773.htm |
2018-06-12 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet in Singapore to discuss North Korea's dismantlement of its nuclear weapons | https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/joint-statement-president-donald-j-trump-united-states-america-chairman-kim-jong-un-democratic-peoples-republic-korea-singapore-summit/ |
2018-06-10 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim meets North Korean officials including Choe Son-hui in Singapore on eve of June summit. | https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/06/283141.htm |
2018-05-28 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Joe Hagin meets Kim Chang Son in Singapore to discuss security protocols and logistics for U.S.-DPRK summit. | https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/press-briefing-press-secretary-sarah-sanders-053018/ |
2018-05-27-2018-06-02 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. negotiators Sung Kim, Allison Hooker, and Randall Schriver meet their North Korean counterpart Choe Son-hui at the Demilitarized Zone to prepare for the proposed summit betwen President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. | https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/press-briefing-press-secretary-sarah-sanders-053018/ |
2018-05-30 - 2018-06-01 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Yong Chol, North Korean vice-chairman of the Central Committee, visits NYC and meets with Secretary of State Pompeo. Kim Yong Chol also travels to Washington DC where he delivers a personal letter from Kim Jong-un to President Trump in the White House. | https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/05/282829.htm |
2018-05-09 - 2018-05-10 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo visits Pyongyang to negotiate U.S.-DPRK summit logistics. The Secretary also secured the release of three American detainees who had been held for nearly two years in North Korea. | https://www.state.gov/secretary/travel/2018/t7/index.htm |
2018-03-31 - 2018-04-01 | Donald Trump / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo visits Pyongyang to lay the groundwork for a proposed U.S.-DPRK summit. An invitation for a U.S.-DPRK summit from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was first conveyed by South Korean National Security Advisor Chung Eui-yong during a visit to the White House on March 8th. After meeting with President Trump, Chung announced in an impromtu press conference outside the White House that Trump had accepted Kim Jong Un's invitation to "meet Kim Jong Un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization." | https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/us-china-trade-dispute-looms-over-trump-summit-with-japans-abe/2018/04/17/2c94cb02-424f-11e8-bba2-0976a82b05a2_story.html?utm_term=.8aa25800cb1e |
2012-02-29 | Barack Obama / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Leap Day Agreement: North Korea agrees to a moratorium on long-range missile launches, nuclear tests, and uranium enrichment for 240,000 tons of U.S. food aid. | https://2009-2017.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/02/184924.htm |
2012-02-23 - 2012-02-24 | Barack Obama / Kim Jong-un | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies meets North Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan in Beijing to discuss a nuclear deal. | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-korea-north-usa-leap-idUSBRE82T06T20120330 |
2011-10-24 - 2011-10-25 | Barack Obama / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassadors Glyn Davies and Stephen Bosworth talk with North Korean counterparts in Geneva regarding steps to resume the six-party process. | https://2009-2017.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2011/10/176117.htm |
2011-07-28 - 2011-07-29 | Barack Obama / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Bosworth and Kim Kye-gwan have talks in New York designed to explore the willingness of North Korea to take steps toward denuclearization. | https://2009-2017.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2011/07/169451.htm |
2009-12-08 - 2009-12-09 | Barack Obama / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Special Representative to North Korea Stephen Bosworth travels to Pyongyang for exploratory talks with First Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok-ju, Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan, and others. The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate the resumption of the Six-Party Talks. | https://2009-2017.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2009/12/133718.htm |
2008-12-08 - 2008-12-11 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Lee Myung-bak / Taro Aso / Dmitry Medvedev | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | Six Party Talks in Beijing end in failure after North Korea refuses to sign onto a Chinese draft of a verification protocol. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2008/113144.htm |
2008-10-01 - 2008-10-03 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill visits Pyongyang with a U.S. delegation that includes Sung Kim to discuss the Six Party Talks verification protocol. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2008/10/110607.htm |
2008-08-22 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim meets with DPRK officials in New York to discuss verification revisions to the U.S. draft verification protocol. | https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/dprkchron#2008 |
2008-08-01 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim and Ri Gun, head of the North Korean Foreign Ministry's American affairs bureau meet in Beijing but fail to narrow differences on verification. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2008/july/107581.htm |
2008-07-31 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim and Ri Gun, head of the North Korean Foreign Ministry's American affairs bureau meet in Beijing but fail to narrow differences on verification. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2008/july/107581.htm |
2008-07-23 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Lee Myung-bak / Yasuo Fukuda / Dmitry Medvedev | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | Foreign Ministers of the Six Party Talks countries have an informal meeting in Singapore on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum. | click here |
2008-07-10 - 2008-07-12 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Lee Myung-bak / Yasuo Fukuda / Dmitry Medvedev | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | Six party talks are held in Beijing after a 9-month break where they discuss the verification protocol. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2008/oct/110924.htm |
2008-06-10 - 2008-06-11 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill and Sung Kim persuade North Korea to shut down the reactor at Yongbyon and blow up the reactor’s cooling tower to demonstrate their commitment to denuclearization. The cooling tower is demolished by North Korea on June 27, 2008. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2008/07/106439.htm |
2008-05-27 - 2008-05-29 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill meets Kim Kye-gwan in Beijing where they discuss North Korea's nuclear declaration and a submission timeline. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2008/may/105399.htm |
2008-05-08 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | North Korea gives Sung Kim 18,822 pages of documents related to its plutonium program in Pyongyang. The U.S. delegation also holds discussions with DPRK interlocutors from the Foreign Ministry and the General Department of Atomic Energy on all aspects of their declaration. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2008/05/104671.htm |
2008-04-22 - 2008-04-24 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim leads a U.S. interagency delegation to North Korea to discuss the tentative agreement reached between Chris Hill and Kim Kye-gwan on April 8. | click here |
2008-04-08 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill meets Kim Kye-gwan in Singapore to discuss the Six-Party process. They reach a compromise on a tentative agreement. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2008/04/103114.htm |
2008-03-13 - 2008-03-14 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill holds in depth discussions on many aspects of the nuclear issue with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Kye-gwan in Geneva. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2008/03/102241.htm |
2008-02-19 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan flies to Beijing to meet with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill. In the unannounced talks they discuss six party talks and declaration. | click here |
2008-01-31 - 2008-02-02 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Director of the U.S. State Department's Office of Korea Affairs Sung Kim visits Pyongyang to discuss how to make progress on the six-party talks process. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2008/jan/99912.htm |
2007-12-03 - 2007-12-05 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill has a full tour of disablement activities at Yongbyon and has further talks with Kim Kye-gwan in Pyongyang about the December 31 package and next steps. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2007/96296.htm |
2007-10-11 - 2007-10-18 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim and a team of experts continue discussions on the disabling of Yongbyon nuclear facilities in North Korea. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/oct/93662.htm |
2007-09-27 - 2007-10-03 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Yasuo Fukuda / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | The "Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the September 2005 Joint Statement" is adopted in which North Korea agrees to declare its entire nuclear program by December 31, 2007 and to disable its main nuclear facilities according to the February 13 agreement. The U.S. agrees to remove North Korea's "state sponsor of terrorism" designation. All parties reaffirm their commitment to deliver the remaining 900,000 tons of heavy fuel oil to North Korea. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2007/oct/93217.htm |
2007-09-11 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Sung Kim and a team of experts discuss the disabling of Yongbyon nuclear facilities in North Korea. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/sep/91970.htm |
2007-09-02 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | In talks with Chris Hill in Geneva, North Korea says they will provide a full declaration of all of their nuclear programs and will disable the programs by the end of 2007. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2007/91688.htm |
2007-07-18 - 2007-07-20 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Shinzo Abe / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | The 6th round of Six-Party Talks continue. Kim Kye-gwan says his country will declare all its nuclear programs without omitting anything, but the parties cannot agree on a hard deadline for disarming nuclear weapons. | click here |
2007-06-21 - 2007-06-22 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill visits Pyongyang at the invitation of the DPRK and meets with Foreign Minister Park Ui-chun. The meeting is part of ongoing consultations with the six parties on implementation of the Initial Actions agreement. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/jun/86957.htm |
2007-03-19 - 2007-03-23 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Shinzo Abe / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the 6th round of Six Party Talks in Beijing the parties report on the first meetings of the five working groups. North Korea refuses to engage in further talks until Banco Delta Asia accounts are unfrozen. | click here |
2007-03-05 - 2007-03-06 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Meeting of U.S.-DPRK Bilateral Working Group: Ambassador Chris Hill leads comprehensive discussions in New York on implementing the shutdown of the Yongbyon reactor and the reintroduction of IAEA personnel to monitor and verify those procedures. | https://2002-2009-fpc.state.gov/81523.htm |
2007-02-08 - 2007-02-13 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Shinzo Abe / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | An agreement is reached at the 5th round of Six Party Talks in Beijing called "Initial Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement". North Korea agrees to shut down and seal nuclear facilities at Yongbyon within 60 days and to allow IAEA monitoring and verification in exchange for 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil. | click here |
2007-01-16 - 2007-01-18 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill meets with Kim Kye-gwan in Berlin to discuss reviving six party talks. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/jan/78995.htm |
2006-12-18 - 2006-12-22 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | Second phase of 5th round of Six Party Talks. North Korea focuses almost exclusively on Banco Delta Asia designation, blocking progress. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/78206.htm |
2006-10-31 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill and Kim Kye-gwan meet in Beijing for talks after North Korea conducts its first nuclear weapons test on October 9, 2006. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/75394.htm |
2006-03-04 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | US and DPRK officials meet in New York to discuss the Banco Delta Asia action. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2006/62640.htm |
2006-01-18 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China | Christopher Hill, Kim Kye-gwan, and Wu Dawei meet in Beijing to discuss reviving the stalled Six Party Talks process. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2006/59446.htm |
2005-11-09 - 2005-11-11 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | 5th round of Six Party Talks. North Korea focuses almost exclusively on Banco Delta Asia designation, blocking progress. The KEDO project is terminated later that month on November 29th. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2005/56781.htm |
2005-10-4 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill and DPRK officials meet in New York for talks. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2005/54430.htm |
2005-09-13 - 2005-09-19 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the 4th round of Six Party Talks the parties agree on a joint statement of principles to guide future negotiations. | https://www.state.gov/p/eap/regional/c15455.htm |
2005-07-26 - 2005-08-07 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the 4th round of Six Party Talks North Korea argues that dismantling nuclear weapons must be matched with assurances of regime security. The DPRK delegation also wants lifting of economic sanctions and normalization of relations with the U.S. and Japan. The US delegation insists that dismantling must be verifiable and irreversible. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2005/50614.htm |
2005-07-09 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Chris Hill meets with Kim Kye-gwan. Pyongyang agrees to return to six-party talks. | click here |
2005-06-06 - 2005-06-08 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | North Korean ambassador to the United Nations Pak Gil Yon and U.S. special envoy to the Six-Party Talks Joseph DeTrani meet in New York to discuss resuming six-party talks. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2005/47320.htm |
2005-05-13 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | After a public appeal by North Korea, the U.S. sends Ambassador Joseph R. DeTrani, the U.S. special envoy to North Korea to the UN mission in New York to reiterate the U.S. positions and assurances. | click here |
2004-12-3 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Joseph DeTrani meets DPRK representative in New York to urge a return to six-party talks without preconditions. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2004/39460.htm |
2004-11-30 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Joseph DeTrani meets DPRK representative in New York to urge a return to six-party talks without preconditions. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2004/39460.htm |
2004-11-17 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | UN General Assembly President Jean Ping makes a visit to Pyongyang to meet with DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun and President of the Supreme People's Assembly Presidium Kim Yong-nam. | click here |
2004-07-02 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Colin Powell meets with NK counterpart Paek Nam Sun in Jakarta. Powell says a deal depends on North Korea declaring all their nuclear activities. | click here |
2004-06-23 - 2004-06-26 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | The 3rd round of six-party talks are held and various comprehensive proposals are introduced by the U.S. side. The DPRK side warns that North Korea will test a nuclear weapon unless its proposals are accepted. | click here |
2004-06-21 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | The second working-level meeting to prepare for six-party talks. | click here |
2004-05-18 - 2004-05-22 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | United Nations Special Envoy Maurice Strong visits Pyongyang. North Korea says they will continue to develop their nuclear program. | click here |
2004-05-12 - 2004-05-15 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the six-party talks working-group meeting in Beijing, North Korea says they will never accept U.S. demands for complete dismantlement. | click here |
2004-02-25 - 2004-02-28 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the 2nd round of Six Party Talks in Beijing little progress is made. Washington and Pyongyang disagree over the latter's desire to retain some nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes. | click here |
2003-08-27 - 2003-08-29 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao / Roh Moo-hyun / Junichiro Koizumi / Vladimir Putin | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK / Japan / Russia | At the 1st round of Six-Party Talks in Beijing, no major breakthroughs are achieved. North Korea calls for a step-by-step solution and explicitly denies for the first time that it has a uranium-enrichment program. However, the North Korean delegation also threatens to test nuclear weapons. | https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2004/30093.htm |
2003-07-31 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK representatives meet in New York to discuss a multilateral format for future high-level talks. | click here |
2003-04-23 - 2003-04-25 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il / Hu Jintao | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China | Three party talks in Beijing (US, NK and China). North Korea admits for the first time that they possess nuclear weapons but would be willing to get rid of all their nuclear programs if they get something considerable in return. On January 10, 2003 North Korea had announced its intent to withdraw from NPT. | click here |
2002-10-03 - 2002-10-05 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | James Kelly, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, visits North Korea where he confronts Pyongyang over their HEU program. On the second day, Pyongyang admits to having an HEU program. Kelly advocates finding a comprehensive settlement. | click here |
2002-08-24 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) delegation visits Pyongyang to discuss spent fuel rod storage with North Koreans. | click here |
2002-08-07 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | Jack Pritchard, US Representative to KEDO, attends a ceremony to celebrate the initial building of the foundation for the first light water reactor and to discuss the project with North Koreans. | click here |
2002-07-31 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | US Secretary of State Colin Powell meets briefly with North Korean Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in Brunei, on the sidelines of ASEAN Regional Forum. | click here |
2002-06-14 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassador Jack Pritchard, Special Envoy for Negotiations with the DPRK, meets with North Korean Ambassador Pak Kil Yon at North Korea's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York where they discuss dates for potential upcoming meetings. | click here |
2002-03-13 - 2002-03-20 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK and US officials meet in New York to discuss resumption of talks with KEDO. | click here |
2001-12-01 - 2001-12-04 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project. Charles Kartman meets with Kim Song Su the DPRK project director for the light water reactors. The Quality and Assurance and Warranties Protocol is also signed. | click here |
2001-10-30 - 2001-11-03 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project. | click here |
2001-09-25 - 2001-09-29 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project. | click here |
2001-09-14 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO delegation visits Pyongyang to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for light water reactors. | click here |
2001-08-21 - 2001-08-25 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project. | click here |
2001-07-16 - 2001-07-24 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO members conduct negotiations on a quality assurance and warranties protocol for the light water reactors project. | click here |
2001-06-13 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | US Special Envoy Jack Pritchard meets with North Korean representative to the UN Yi Hyong chol in New York to discuss details of bilateral talks. | click here |
2001-05-01 - 2001-05-05 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project in Pyongyang. Earlier in the month Charles Kartman had been named the new executive director of KEDO. | click here |
2001-03-10 - 2001-03-13 | George W. Bush / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | DPRK officials and KEDO delegation engage in talks about the light water reactor project in Pyongyang. | click here |
2000-12-4 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO experts and DPRK officials meet in New York to discuss technical issues and North Korea's nuclear regulatory environment. | click here |
2000-11-01 - 2000-11-03 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Seventh round of missile talks in Pyongyang end without an agreement. | click here |
2000-10-23 - 2000-10-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visits Pyongyang and talks with Kim Jong-il on missile issues. | click here |
2000-10-20 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO executive director Desaix Anderson signs a protocol related to the training of North Korean workers for the LWR project with DPRK officials in Pyongyang. | click here |
2000-10-09 - 2000-10-12 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Vice Marshal Jo Myong Rok visits Washington and meets with President Clinton. The two sides issue the US-DPRK Joint Communique in which they agree to work together on a range of issues. | click here |
2000-09-27 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman meet in New York to discuss nuclear issues, missiles, and terrorism. The two sides issue a joint statement on terrorism in which "the two sides agreed that international terrorism poses an unacceptable threat to global security and peace, and that terrorism should be opposed in all its forms." | click here |
2000-07-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun meet in Bangkok during the ASEAN regional forum. | click here |
2000-07-10 - 2000-07-12 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | At the 5th round of missile talks in Kuala Lumpur between the US and North Korea the US rejects Pyongyang's demand for compensation but says it is willing to move toward “economic normalization” in return for addressing U.S. concerns. | click here |
2000-07-03 - 2000-07-04 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials meet to discuss light water reactor project in North Korea. | click here |
2000-05-31 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Preparatory session for 5th round of US-DPRK missile talks held in Rome. | click here |
2000-05-24 - 2000-05-30 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Delegations from the U.S. and DPRK meet in Rome to discuss their respective concerns regarding the implementation of the Agreed Framework and other bilateral issues. | click here |
2000-04-01 - 2000-04-04 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss light water reactor project in Hyangsan, North Korea. | click here |
2000-03-07 - 2000-03-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassador Charles Kartman and DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan meet in New York. They agree to schedule further talks on US concerns on the DPRK's missile program and talks on Agreed Framework implementation. | click here |
2000-02-22 - 2000-02-25 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss light water reactor project in Hyangsan, North Korea. | click here |
2000-01-22 - 2000-01-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassador Charles Kartman and Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan meet in Berlin to exchange views. They agree to a high-level visit in the near future. | click here |
1999-11-15 - 1999-11-19 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassador Charles Kartman leads a delegation to Berlin to talk with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan and other officials. | click here |
1999-09-29 - 1999-10-01 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials meet in New York to discuss technical issues and a memoradium of understanding on indemnification and environmental issues. | click here |
1999-09-07 - 1999-09-12 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Ambassador Charles Kartman leads a delegation to Berlin to talk with DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan and other officials. | click here |
1999-08-05 - 1999-08-09 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Four-Party Talks in Geneva. | click here |
1999-06-23 - 1999-06-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Charles Kartman meets North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan in Beijing to discuss the recent Kumchang-ni inspection, implementation of the agreed framework, and upcoming Four-Party talks. | click here |
1999-05-25 - 1999-05-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. special envoy William Perry leads a delegation to Pyongyang and meets with high-ranking DPRK officials. | click here |
1999-05-14 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Charles Kartman travels to Pyongyang to make final arrangements for the Kumchang-ri site inspections. | click here |
1999-04-23 - 1999-04-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The U.S. and DPRK hold further talks regarding the details of Kumchang-ri inspections on the sidelines of the Four-Party talks. | click here |
1999-04-22 - 1999-04-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Four-Party Talks in Geneva. | click here |
1999-04-07 - 1999-04-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO experts and DPRK officials meet in New York to discuss technical issues and training of North Korean engineers. | click here |
1999-03-30 - 1999-04 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | US officials and nuclear experts travel to Pyongyang to make arrangements necessary for the Kumchang-ri site inspections. | click here |
1999-03-29 - 1999-03-30 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | A US delegation led by Assistant Secretary Robert Einhorn holds bilateral missiles talks with the DPRK side in Pyongyang. | click here |
1999-03-10 - 1999-03-12 | Mohamed ElBaradei / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and North Korea hold talks in Vienna over Pyongyang's denial of access to information needed to verify nuclear material. | click here |
1999-03-01 - 1999-03-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | After four rounds of talks, an agreement is reached to allow multiple site visits by a US team to the underground site at Kumchang-ri. | click here |
1999-02-27 - 1999-02-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Bilateral talks on the suspected underground site at Kumchang-ri. | click here |
1999-02-09 - 1999-02-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss light water reactor project in Hyangsan, North Korea. | click here |
1999-01-23 - 1999-01-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman resume talks in Geneva about Kumchang-ri. | click here |
1999-01-19 - 1999-01-23 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss light water reactor project in Hyangsan, North Korea. | click here |
1999-01-18 - 1999-01-22 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Four-Party Talks in Geneva. | click here |
1999-01-16 - 1999-01-17 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman talk in Geneva about allowing inspections at Kumchang-ri. | click here |
1999-01-05 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Working-level meeting to discuss arrangements for the fourth plenary session of the four-party talks. | click here |
1998-12-10 - 1998-12-11 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman resume negotiations in New York on Kumchang-ri. The two sides recognize that progress was made and agree to meet again. | click here |
1998-12-04 - 1998-12-08 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Bilateral talks in New York to discuss suspected underground facility at Kumchang-ri. | click here |
1998-11-16 - 1998-11-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. Special Envoy for the Korean Peace Talks Charles Kartman leads a delegation to Pyongyang to discuss underground construction at Kumchang-ri. Disagreements are reported over whether the underground facilities are part of a nuclear program. | click here |
1998-10-21 - 1998-10-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Third plenary session of the Four-party Talks in Geneva. | click here |
1998-10-05 - 1998-10-09 | Mohamed ElBaradei / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and DPRK officials hold talks in Pyongyang over North Korea's denial of access to information needed to verify nuclear material. | click here |
1998-10-01 - 1998-10-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Third round of bilateral missile talks in New York. The U.S. delegation is led by Robert Einhorn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs. The North Korean delegation is led by Han Chang On, Director of the Department of U.S. Affairs of the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs. | click here |
1998-08-21 - 1998-09-05 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Delegations led by Charles Kartman and DPRK vice foreign minister Kim Kye-gwan meet in New York. Pyongyang agrees to continue meetings on underground construction and missile programs and canning of remaining spent fuel rods starting in mid-September. | click here |
1998-06-06 - 1998-06-09 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs Charles Kartman and North Korea's deputy ambassador to the UN Lee Kun meet. | click here |
1998-05-05 - 1998-05-10 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and North Korean officials meet to discuss delivery of heavy fuel oil and other technical issues. | click here |
1998-03-16 - 1998-03-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Dae-jung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Second plenary session of the Four-party Talks in Geneva. There is disagreement over whether to include removal of US forces from the peninsula on the agenda. | click here |
1998-03-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | DPRK and U.S. delegations led by Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman respectively meet in Berlin for talks leading up to the Four-party talks. | click here |
1998-01-20 - 1998-01-23 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO experts and DPRK officials meet in Pyongyang to discuss technical issues. | click here |
1997-12-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues for light water reactor project. | click here |
1997-12-09 - 1997-12-10 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Four-Party Talks in Geneva. | click here |
1997-11-26 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea have bilateral talks in Washington on a broad range of issues including the agreed framework, the four-party talks, the issue of food aid. | click here |
1997-11-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Third preliminary talks on the Four-party Talks in New York. | click here |
1997-11-18 - 1997-11-20 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO executive director Desaix Anderson and DPRK officials meet in Pyongyang to discuss LWR project. | click here |
1997-09-18 - 1997-09-19 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | Second preliminary talks on the Four-party Talks in New York. | click here |
1997-09-16 - 1997-09-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | During bilateral talks in New York the US informs North Korea that before unfreezing assets they plan to conduct a survey of the number and size of outstanding financial claims by US citizens against the DPRK. | click here |
1997-09-10 - 1997-09-11 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Kim Kye-gwan and Charles Kartman talk in Beijing about high ranking North Korean defector Ambassador Chang Sung Kil and proposed four party talks. | click here |
1997-08-19 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | Stephen Bosworth executive director of KEDO attends groundbreaking ceremony for LWR in North Korea with other KEDO and DPRK officials. | click here |
1997-08-05 - 1997-08-07 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / ROK | US-ROK-DPRK talks at Columbia University to discuss 4-party talks (Kim Kye-gwan, Song Yong shik, Charles Kartman). | click here |
1997-07-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO liason office opened in North Korea. | click here |
1997-07-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea have bilateral talks in New York on a broad range of issues including the agreed framework, the four-party talks, the issue of food aid. | click here |
1997-06-30 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Jiang Zemin / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / China / ROK | First trilateral deputy-ministerial consultation on the Four-party Talks in New York. | click here |
1997-06-23 - 1997-07-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues for light water reactor project. | click here |
1997-06-11 - 1997-06-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | In the 2nd round of missile talks between the U.S. and North Korea no agreement is reached. | click here |
1997-05-31 - 1997-06-07 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss construction process for the light water reactors in North Korea. | click here |
1997-04-16 - 1997-04-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / ROK | U.S.-ROK-DPRK talks. The meeting was attended by Charles Kartman, Sung Young shik, and Kim Kye-gwan. | click here |
1997-04-09 - 1997-04-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials discuss construction process for the light water reactors in Pyongyang. | click here |
1997-03-28 - 1997-05-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials meet in New York to discuss indemnity protocol | click here |
1997-03-26 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK hold working-level talks in New York to explore issues involving the Four-Party peace proposal. | click here |
1997-03-05 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il / Kim Young-sam | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK / ROK | U.S.-ROK-DPRK talks in New York | click here |
1997-01-08 - 1997-01-09 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO executive director Stephen Bosworth and DPRK ambassador Ho Jong meet and sign two protocols for light water reactor project. | click here |
1997-01-20 - 1997-01-25 | Hans Blix / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and DPRK officials meet to discuss safeguards agreement. | click here |
1996-12-9 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | Director of the State Department's Office of Korean Affairs Mark Minton and Director of American Affairs in the North Korean Foreign Ministry Yi Hyong Chol hold working-level talks in New York. | click here |
1996-11-5 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks in New York. | click here |
1996-09-23 - 1996-09-27 | Hans Blix / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | The IAEA and North Korea have negotiations in Vienna over the safeguards agreement and inspections. | click here |
1996-08-22 - 1996-09-27 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues and additional protocols for light water reactor project. | click here |
1996-07-20 - 1996-07-29 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues and additional protocols for light water reactor project. | click here |
1996-07-11 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials sign two technical protocols which were initialed at the end of negotiations on June 14. | click here |
1996-06-14 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold negotiations on two technical protocols which are signed at the end of negotiations process on July 11. | click here |
1996-04-21 - 1996-04-22 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK meet in Berlin for the first round of talks on missiles and non-proliferation. | click here |
1996-04-08 - 1996-05-22 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues for light water reactor project. | click here |
1996-03-26 - 1996-03-30 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | Stephen Bosworth KEDO executive director and DPRK officials meet to discuss light water reactor project. | click here |
1995-12-14 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Bilateral talks between North Korean ambassador-at-large Ho Jung and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Thomas Hubbard in New York. The light-water reactor agreement between KEDO and North Korea is signed on December 15. | click here |
1995-10-30 - 1995-12-12 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials continue negotiations in New York on light water reactor supply agreement. The agreement is signed on December 15. | click here |
1995-10-16 - 1995-10-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | Stephen Bosworth KEDO executive director and DPRK ambassador Ho Jong conduct negotiations in New York on light water reactor supply agreement. | click here |
1995-09-30 - 1995-10-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues. | click here |
1995-09-23 - 1995-09-30 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK officials meet in Pyongyang to discuss opening of future liasion offices. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 417. |
1995-09-12 - 1995-09-19 | Hans Blix / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | An IAEA team visits North Korea to negotiate expanding monitoring activities. | click here |
1995-09-08 - 1995-09-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | The Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) conducts talks with DPRK officials on supply of light-water reactors. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 417. |
1995-08-15 - 1995-08-22 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | KEDO / DPRK | KEDO and DPRK officials hold working-level talks to discuss technical issues. | click here |
1995-06-21 - 1995-06-27 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK officials discuss spent fuel storage and waste management. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 416. |
1995-06-17 - 1995-06-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK officials negotiate and reach agreement on the delivery of heavy fuel oil shipments and verification measures. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 416. |
1995-05-20 - 1995-06-16 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | After three weeks of negotiations in Kuala Lumpur, the U.S. and DPRK agree on the details of the provision of light water reactors. | click here |
1995-06-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | During a meeting in Kuala Lumpur the U.S. and DPRK officials negotiate and come to an agreement on South Korea's role in KEDO. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 416. |
1995-04-18 - 1995-04-20 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK meet in Berlin to discuss the 1994 Agreed Framework. | click here |
1995-04-12 - 1995-04-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK meet in Berlin to discuss the 1994 Agreed Framework. | click here |
1995-03-25 - 1995-03-29 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK meet in Berlin to discuss the 1994 Agreed Framework and light water reactors. | click here |
1995-01-28 - 1995-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK meet in Berlin to discuss delivery of light water reactors. | click here |
1995-01-23 - 1995-01-28 | Hans Blix / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | Officials from North Korea and the IAEA continue consultations on the implemenation and verification of the nuclear freeze agreement. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 415. |
1995-01-17 - 1995-01-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK officials meet in Pyongyang to talk about spent fuel. | click here |
1994-12-06 - 1994-12-10 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Discussions on the planned exchange of liaison offices between U.S. and DPRK officials in Washington DC. A team of North Koreans visits Washington later in April 1995 to survey sites for future liasion office. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 415. |
1994-11-30 - 1994-12-02 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK delegations hold talks in Beijing on the supply of light-water reactor power plants to replace the DPRK's graphite-moderated reactors and related facilities. | click here |
1994-11-23 - 1994-11-28 | Hans Blix / Kim Jong-il | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA experts visit North Korea for talks on verification and monitoring of North Korea's nuclear reactors and related facilities. IAEA and North Korean officials also discuss Agreed Framework implementation in Vienna. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 414. |
1994-11-14 - 1994-11-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. experts visit North Korea to discuss spent fuel storage and waste management. | click here |
1994-09-23 - 1994-10-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S. and DPRK delegations hold talks in Geneva to negotiate an overall resolution of the nuclear issue. Due to deadlock, the talks are suspended September 29 to October 5. The Agreed Framework is adopted on October 21. | click here |
1994-09-10 - 1994-09-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and DPRK hold expert-level discussions in Pyongyang (ending 9/14) and Berlin (ending 9/15) in accordance with the agreed statement of the third round of U.S.-DPRK high-level talks. | click here |
1994-08-05 - 1994-08-13 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and DPRK continue the 3rd round of high-level talks in Geneva and sign an agreed statement for denuclearization. | click here |
1994-07-21 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and DPRK meet in New York to reset the date and arrange details for the third round of high-level talks. | click here |
1994-07-08 - 1994-07-09 | Bill Clinton / Kim Jong-il | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and DPRK begin talks in Geneva but they are postponed only a few hours in upon news of the death of Kim Il sung. | click here |
1994-06-24 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and DPRK meet in New York to discuss logistical arrangements for the coming third round of high-level talks. | click here |
1994-06-15 - 1994-06-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Former president Jimmy Carter visits North Korea at the invitation of Kim Il-sung. While in North Korea, Carter communicates a proposal to the Clinton administration in order to resume talks between the U.S. and DPRK on IAEA inspections and North Korea's nuclear program. North Korea also agrees to a joint effort to recover the remains of U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War and plans for an inter-Korean summit. | click here |
1994-05-25 - 1994-05-27 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and DPRK hold meeting in Pyongyang on fuel monitoring. On May 27, Hans Blix sends letter to UN Secretary-General stating that the talks have failed. North Korea's discharges of spent fuel have made it difficult to measure the use of nuclear material in its 5MW reactor. | click here |
1994-05-25 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea hold working-level talks in New York. | click here |
1994-05-09 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea hold working-level talks in New York. Shortly after talks North Korea gives notice to the IAEA that it has unloaded nuclear spent fuel rods from the Yongbyon reactor. | click here |
1994-04-28 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea hold working-level talks in New York. The two sides discuss IAEA inspections and the suspension of US-ROK military exercises. | click here |
1994-02-22 - 1994-02-26 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | The US and North Korea hold working-level talks in New York on IAEA inspections. | click here |
1994-02-15 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and DPRK agree on comprehensive list of safeguards measures to ensure that no nuclear material has been diverted from North Korea's nuclear facilities. | click here |
1994-01-10 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | IAEA and DPRK officials hold a second round of working-level talks in Vienna on nuclear safeguards and inspections. | click here |
1994-01-05 - 1994-01-07 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | Talks between IAEA and DPRK in Vienna on nuclear safeguards. | click here |
1993-12-29 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Tom Hubbard meets with North Korean Ambassador Ho Jong at the UN headquarters in New York. | click here |
1993-09-15 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | US and DPRK political counselors meet in Beijing for discussions on political and nuclear issues. | click here |
1993-09-01 - 1993-09-03 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | IAEA / DPRK | Discussion between IAEA and DPRK in North Korea regarding nuclear safeguards implementation. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 411. |
1993-08-01 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | Working-level talks between DPRK and U.S. in New York. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 411. |
1993-07-14 - 1993-07-16 - 1993-07-19 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | After a series of high-level meetings in Geneva between US and DPRK delegations led by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Robert Gallucci and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Sok Chu, respectively, the two sides agree on a plan to replace North Korean reactors with light water reactors. | click here |
1993-06-02 - 1993-06-04 - 1993-06-10 - 1993-06-11 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | U.S.-DPRK high-level meetings at the UN mission in New York end with a joint statement agreeing on security assurances, a nuclear-free peninsula, the peaceful reunification of Korea, and the DPRK suspending withdrawal from NPT. | click here |
1993-05-05 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | A working-level meeting is held in Beijing between the North Korean and the American political counselors. | click here |
1993-03-16 - 1993-03-18 | Bill Clinton / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | A working-level meeting is held in Beijing between the North Korean and the American political counselors. North Korea had announced its intent to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty on March 12, 1993. | click here |
1993-02-20 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | Further discussions between IAEA and DPRK on original nuclear material declaration. North Korea refuses special inspections. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 410. |
1993-01-01 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | Discussions in Pyongyang between IAEA and DPRK on discrepancies in nuclear material declaration. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 410. |
1992-11-1 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | High-level consultations between DPRK and IAEA on discrepancies in North Korea's initial declaration of nuclear material given to IAEA in May 1992. | Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis, p. 410. |
1992-01-30 | Hans Blix / Kim Il-sung | Nuclear Dialogue | IAEA / DPRK | North Korea and IAEA sign a nuclear safeguards agreement allowing inspections to begin in June 1992. | click here |
1992-01-22 | George H.W. Bush / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue (Nuclear) | U.S. / DPRK | North Korea's Kim Yong Sun and Undersecretary of State Arnold L. Kanter meet in New York. | click here |
1990-05-15 | George H.W. Bush / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | US-DPRK diplomatic talks held in Beijing. | click here |
1990-04-29 | George H.W. Bush / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | In Beijing, US and DPRK officials discuss bilateral relations, inter-Korean relations, and the return of remains of US soldiers who fought in the Korean War. | click here |
1990-01-05 | George H.W. Bush / Kim Il-sung | Political Dialogue | U.S. / DPRK | US and North Korean officials discuss various issues in Beijing. The US requests that DPRK sign an IAEA safeguards agreement and North Korea requests the cancellation of US-ROK military exercises and withdrawal of US troops from the peninsula. | click here |
Date | Leadership | Event Type | Parties Involved | Description | Resources |
- Joel Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, and Robert L Gallucci, Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2004); Leszek Buszynski, Negotiating with North Korea: The Six Party Talks and the Nuclear Issue (New York: Routledge, 2013); Jonathan D. Pollack, No Exit: North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, and International Security (New York: Routledge, 2011). ↩
- Nuclear Threat Initiative, “North Korea Nuclear Chronology,” February 2011. ↩
- Narushige Michishita, North Korea’s Military-Diplomatic Campaigns 1966-2009 (New York: Routledge, 2010); Robert Daniel Wallace, North Korea and the Science of Provocation: Fifty Years of Conflict-Making (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2016). ↩