July 19, 2017—
On June 30, 2017, His Excellency Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, delivered a Global Leaders Forum address to a Washington D.C. foreign policy audience of more than 250 at CSIS headquarters. This occasion marked several firsts: President Moon's first foreign policy address abroad, his first visit to the United States as president, and his first summit meeting with the Donald J. Trump administration.
June 26, 2017, by Robert King—
The tragic death of Otto Warmbier has again raised the question of whether travel to North Korea ought to be prohibited by the United States government. Prohibiting travel by Americans to North Korea has been talked about for some time, primarily on Capitol Hill. Arguments for a travel ban are (1) to protect the safety and wellbeing of American citizens; and (2) travel is a source of hard currency for the Kim regime which goes to the “royal economy” for imported French cognac and luxury automobiles for the young leader, as well as to fund nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
May 10, 2017, by Victor Cha and Lisa Collins—
Exit polls from the May 9th election in South Korea indicate that Moon Jae-in will be the country’s next president. Moon will enter office after more than six months of domestic political turmoil following the impeachment of former South Korean president Park Geun-hye. Under these circumstances, Moon is likely to face a series of domestic and foreign policy challenges early in his presidential term.
March 17, 2017, by Andy Lim and Victor Cha—
Beyond Parallel created an original dataset of all high-level visits between the two countries from 1953 to the present to determine whether the number of high level visits over the last six decades could shed light on the current state of the relationship.
February 8, 2017, by Victor Cha—
A Testimony by Victor Cha before the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee on February 7, 2017... A Testimony by Dr. Victor Cha before the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee on February 7, 2017. Chairman Royce, Ranking Member Representative Engel and distinguished Members of the Committee, it is a distinct…
December 9, 2016—
A new report titled “Toward a New Policy and Strategy for North Korea co-authored by Dr. Victor Cha and Ambassador Robert Gallucci was published this month. The report seeks to bridge the gap between the national security and human rights communities and argues for a new U.S. policy that integrates efforts toward dealing with North Korean security threats with approaches that focus on human freedom in the country.
December 5, 2016—
On November 29, 2016, the Bush Institute in Dallas, Texas hosted an event titled “Light Through the Darkness: A Forum on Freedom in North Korea.”.. The Bush Center, Dallas, Texas On November 29, 2016, the Bush Institute in Dallas, Texas…
December 5, 2016—
The 1994 Geneva Agreed Framework was signed between the U.S. and the DPRK on October 21, 1994. The objective of the agreement was to freeze and eventually dismantle North Korea’s nascent nuclear weapons program.
.. The 1994 Geneva Agreed Framework was signed between the United States and the Democratic People’s…
November 4, 2016, by Evan Ramstad—
President Park's mistakes are far less harmful than those of the men who came before her... In 2011, as she geared up for the 2012 presidential election in South Korea, Park Geun-hye told aides that she would like to reach out to some of the people her father fought and…
October 17, 2016—
Last week marked the 10th anniversary of North Korea’s first nuclear test. Each new nuclear test triggers comparisons with previous tests and predictions about future tests... Last week marked the 10th anniversary of North Korea’s first nuclear test. Each new nuclear…