August 9, 2017—
The objective of the Six Party Talks was to resolve the North Korean nuclear problem through multilateral negotiations. In this Living History interview, Ambassador Chun Yung-woo reflects upon his experience negotiating with the Americans, Chinese and North Koreans during the Six Party Talks and also discusses his later role as National Security Advisor to ROK President Lee Myung-bak.
March 8, 2017—
Ambassador Christopher Hill reflects on his personal experience as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and head of the U.S. delegation to the Six Party Talks from 2005 to 2009... In 2003, the Six Party Talks were launched to seek a peaceful resolution to the…
February 22, 2017, by Scott LaFoy—
With its latest missile test, DPRK is sending the message that it is moving towards a domestically-produced survivable second strike capability, something that would contribute towards a credible North Korean deterrent against its neighbors and opponents.
February 20, 2017, by Victor Cha—
The Chinese government announced that it would halt coal imports from North Korea starting from February 19 to the end of the year... The Chinese Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs announced (statement in Chinese) on February 18 that it would halt coal imports from North...
January 5, 2017, by Boris Toucas—
North Korea’s continued progress on its nuclear and missile programs remains one of the most significant challenges... North Korea’s continued progress on its nuclear and missile programs remains one of the most significant challenges to the international community. This is why the adoption of a new UN Security Council resolution that closes…
December 9, 2016—
A new report titled “Toward a New Policy and Strategy for North Korea co-authored by Dr. Victor Cha and Ambassador Robert Gallucci was published this month. The report seeks to bridge the gap between the national security and human rights communities and argues for a new U.S. policy that integrates efforts toward dealing with North Korean security threats with approaches that focus on human freedom in the country.
December 5, 2016—
The 1994 Geneva Agreed Framework was signed between the U.S. and the DPRK on October 21, 1994. The objective of the agreement was to freeze and eventually dismantle North Korea’s nascent nuclear weapons program.
.. The 1994 Geneva Agreed Framework was signed between the United States and the Democratic People’s…
October 17, 2016—
Last week marked the 10th anniversary of North Korea’s first nuclear test. Each new nuclear test triggers comparisons with previous tests and predictions about future tests... Last week marked the 10th anniversary of North Korea’s first nuclear test. Each new nuclear…
September 15, 2016, by Sharon Squassoni—
Last week, Kim Jong-un celebrated the 68th anniversary of the North Korean state with a nuclear test designed to strike fear in the hearts of North Korea’s adversaries. .. Last week, Kim Jong-un celebrated the 68th anniversary of the North Korean state with a…
September 12, 2016, by Van Jackson—
The fifth test is significant because it reaffirms an undeniable sea change in how we should read North Korean intentions... At around 10 kilotons, North Korea’s September 9 nuclear test reportedly marks its largest yet. It was also the third such detonation under Kim Jong-un...