Kim Yo-Jong Rising in DPRK Leadership?

, by Since Kim Jong-un’s official accession to power in 2012, Yo-Jong has worked in his Personal Secretariat where she helped managed his itineraries, events, and on-site visits. It is believed that she continues to function in this role today, even after she had acquired other prominent positions over the past year.

New Vice Minister of Unification

Foreign Affairs, Governance
Unification Statue
, by Dr. Kim was appointed the new vice minister of unification on June 8, 2016 as a part of a mini-reshuffle within the Blue House that included a number of other appointments for senior secretaries and vice-ministerial officials... Kim Hyungseok was appointed the new Vice Minister of Unification in June 2016. Vice Minister…

How Provocative Are U.S.-ROK Exercises?

Analysis, Military
To critically test this proposition, Beyond Parallel gathered data on the relationship between the United States-Republic of Korea (ROK) military exercises and North Korean provocations. The scope of our qualitative study was the past 12 years of annual U.S.-ROK spring military exercises (2005–2016).