July 13, 2016, by Patrick M. Cronin—
Kim Jong-un’s regime has been systematically sanctioned since early this calendar year. Recent measures build on years of international sanctions on North Korea... Kim Jong-un’s regime has been systematically sanctioned since early this calendar year. Recent measures build…
July 6, 2016, by Lisa Collins and Victor Cha—
The U.S. Department of State’s “Report on Serious Human Rights Abuses or Censorship in North Korea” submitted to the U.S. Congress today, July 6, 2016 in accordance with North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016 (Public Law 114-112) lists North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as responsible for human rights abuses.
July 6, 2016, by Lisa Collins—
A fake report about the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un by a female suicide bomber from a secret Pyongyang brothel set the Twittersphere on fire late June 16 and early June 17... A fake report about the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un by a female…
July 1, 2016, by Andy Lim—
Since Kim Jong-un’s official accession to power in 2012, Yo-Jong has worked in his Personal Secretariat where she helped managed his itineraries, events, and on-site visits. It is believed that she continues to function in this role today, even after she had acquired other prominent positions over the past year.
June 30, 2016, by Victor Cha—
The division of North and South Korea following World War II was a defining moment not just for the Korean peninsula but for all of Northeast Asia. The strategic environment of the region and the history of the Korean people were drastically changed by the division and subsequent Korean War.
June 30, 2016, by Victor Cha—
Small-scale kinetic military conflicts and provocations that escalate quickly into a larger conflict could draw countries into a major war. The more we understand the relationship between North Korean provocations and U.S.-ROK military exercises, the more accurately we can determine the redlines for military action and regional conflict escalation.
June 30, 2016, by Andy Lim—
Dr. Kim was appointed the new vice minister of unification on June 8, 2016 as a part of a mini-reshuffle within the Blue House that included a number of other appointments for senior secretaries and vice-ministerial officials... Kim Hyungseok was appointed the new Vice Minister of Unification in June 2016. Vice Minister…
June 1, 2016, by Lisa Collins and Victor Cha—
The Department of the Treasury’s Notice of Finding published on June 2, 2016 designates North Korea for the first time as a jurisdiction of “primary money laundering concern” under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act... The Department of the Treasury's Notice of Finding published on June 2, 2016 designates North…
May 27, 2016—
The 1994 Agreed Framework was the result of negotiations between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) over the course of nearly two years. Signed on October 21, 1994, the goal of the agreement was to freeze North Korea’s suspected nuclear weapons program.
May 27, 2016—
To critically test this proposition, Beyond Parallel gathered data on the relationship between the United States-Republic of Korea (ROK) military exercises and North Korean provocations. The scope of our qualitative study was the past 12 years of annual U.S.-ROK spring military exercises (2005–2016).